Fretboard Notes

  • banjo scale

Music school notices

Written by Paul Conlon. Posted in Belfast Trad, Glengormley School of Traditional Music

A tune a fortnight = 26 new tunes

You’ll be surprised how quickly you can learn new tunes by practicing regularly. Why not set a target to learn one tune every 2 weeks and by the end of the year you will have 8 great new tune sets consisting of 3 tune types per set. To help out I will be posting a selection of sets from this site including hornpipes, jigs, reels, slides and songs. So check back each week for updates or if you live local why not join one of the tenor banjo classes in Belfast or Glengormley (see details below)

Get the year off to a great start. Play More Music!! Sing More Songs! Dance More Steps!

Book online for Belfast Trad January Term of Classes starting January 11th, 2016. There is no booking fee to book online.

Banjo/mandolin classes at the Glengormley School of Traditional Music will continue on 14th Jan until 28th Jan 2016 (last night of term). Registration for new term will begin on 4th Feb 2016. Please go to our website for further details.

Welcome to the Pure Banjo website, if this is your first visit hopefully it will not be your last. The tunes and skills that I will teach you in class will continue here. I built this site for you to encourage your learning capabilities and development of skills on tenor banjo and mandolin. The traditional music schools recommend informal music learning within the classes, basically learning by ear. So if you are new to traditional Irish music then listen to as much as you can as it will help you to develop rhythm and timing. Pure Banjo has been live for approx. two years now so browse around to see what has been going on in the classes during this time.

I look forward to meeting and getting to know everyone individually and over the next few months I will be adding new videos and audio recordings to help you on your way. If you are a complete newbie check out the beginner pages.

Information on Tenor Banjo / Mandolin Hire

The Belfast Trad classes which are held in the Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast still have 2 mandolins and possibly 2 tenor banjos for hire for this term. The cost is £25 for the 12 week duration, please click this link for details…instrument hire

The Glengormley School of Traditional Music have 1 or 2 banjo’s for hire, please contact the traditional school manager Ray Morgan.

If you are looking for advice on buying a new or second hand banjo or mandolin please contact me by email and I will be happy to advise you. I have been restoring vintage banjos for over 20 years and usually have a small collection for sale.

Andy Reids Polka

Written by Paul Conlon. Posted in Beginner Level, Belfast Trad Beginners Level, GSOTM Beginner Level

I’ve based this tutorial around learning the G major scale on the tenor banjo and mandolin. I sourced the tune from a series where well known people take up the playing of an instrument from zero experience with tuition from equally well known exponents on their respective instruments. Gerry O’Connor (Banjo) teaching Andy Reid(Professional soccer player) on Andy’s new Clareen Celt Tenor Banjo. I hope you enjoy watching the 3 part series and find some inspiration and enjoyment learning and playing the tune yourself……Goodluck.

[huge_it_videogallery id=”2″]

first part
  • G A B C    D C B A | G A B C   D- D- | G A B C    D C B A | G A B D   C-  C-  |
second part
  • G’ E D C   E-  D-  | G A B C  D- D- | G’ E D C   E-  D-  | G A B D  C-  C-
Andy Reids Polka played slowly



Andy Reids Polka played faster




February 2025