Egan’s Polka

Written by Paul Conlon. Posted in Beginner Level, Belfast Trad Beginners Level, Newly added tunes, Tune Archive, Videos

Egan’s Polka is most likely to be one of the first tunes you will learn to play. It has similarities to the first part of Dalaigh’s Polka, cross picking between the E and A strings.

first part
  • | F# A B A | F# A B A | D E F# – | E D B A |
  • | F# A B A | F# A B A | D E F# – | E D D :||
second part
  • | F# A’ F# E | E D B A | D E F#- | E D B A |
  • | F# A’ F# E | E D B A | D E F#- | E D D :||

The Mountain Road

Written by Paul Conlon. Posted in Advanced Level, Newly added tunes, Videos

The Mountain Road is a very popular session tune that’s bound to have all musicians join in. I have recorded the reel in the key of D major with the first part played twice followed by the second part twice. You may find that some musicians play the tune as a single reel ‘1st part once/2nd part once’ so maybe it’s best to tell accompanying musicians your intentions.

Also you will find musicians playing many different versions of the tune.  The long f# at the beginning of the tune can be played as a rolling triplet i.e.  e f# f# or as a hammer-on (play e then pound your finger down on the f# then play the note of f#) Also at the beginning of part two you can play the DC#D as a plain triplet D D or vary it second time around. It’s up to you to experiment

part one

f#-   A f#   Bf#Af#  |   f#-   Af#   ef#de   |   f#-   Af#   Bf#Af#  |   G-   f#G   edbd  |
f#-   A f#   Bf#Af#  |   f#-   Af#   ef#d-    |   ef#   A A  BAf# A  |   A   BD    EF#DED  |:

part two

DC#D   A   BAf#A   |   DC#D   E   F#G’F#E   |  DC#D   A    BAf#A   |   G-    e f#d   ef#GA   |
DC#D   A   BAf#A   |   DC#D   E   F#G’F#E   |  D D   A    BAf#A   |   G-   f#G    edbd  |:


Gerry O’Connor offers some great advice while demonstrating his techniques playing The Mountain Road.


February 2025